Realization of a user capacity in TFM

On November 13, the “Capacity of passengers on working day in the line operated by Ferroviarios de Madrid” was carried out with the objective of carrying out the control of occupancy of passengers on a working day in this line.

This is a field investigation carried out on the line operated by TFM and its subsequent exploitation, in order to obtain the matrix of passenger intensities for all circulations. Full capacity was taken during the entire service period, that is, from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The matrices of uploaded travelers, passengers lowered, occupation and time of passage for each stop have been determined, for the whole of the measurement.

This allows to adjust the offer to the demand. In this way you can increase the supply where saturation states are detected, or reduce the mobile material in the event that the network has a low occupancy.