Verification of Traveler Information Points (TIP) of interurban and urban transport in Madrid Area
Year: 2017-2019-2020
Mode: Interurban buses in Madrid
Client: Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
This work is part of the surveys conducted by the Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid, included in the Quality Plan of the services of regular permanent transport of travelers for general road use in Madrid Area
This is a field research consisting of the verification of a sample of the “Traveler Information Points” (PIV) of the interurban and urban transport network of other municipalities of the concessions included in the Quality Plan for the services of regular permanent transport of travelers of general use by road in Madrid Area.
Job description:
The work developed by ABACO consists in the verification of TIPs in a sample of the concessions subject to the Quality Plan of the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, by visiting them, checking their correct operation, veracity of the information shown or degree of deviation and functionality of the PTIP and the realization of a report of the results obtained for each screen and for each operator.
In 2020, the state of the stop itself will also be investigated.