Survey to “non-users” of ML-1, Pinar de Chamartín – Las Tablas de Metros Ligeros de Madrid
Year: 2017
Mode: Non users of Light Eailzay Train
Client: Metros Ligeros de Madrid
With the aim of characterizing the “non-users” of the ML-1 line of Light Rail and to understand the factors that lead them not to use this transport service, face-to-face sinterviews were carried out in different points considered important centers of attraction in the area.
Job description:
The work developed by ABACO consists of carrying out surveys in educational centers, health centers, shopping centers, public transport stops or leisure centers, between October 2 and 8, 2017 in order to characterize non-users of ML1 on different days, that is, working day, riday and weekends. The survey period was from 7:00 to 10:00. and from 14:30 to 22:00. on a weekday, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 and from 14:30 to 23:30 on Friday, from 14:30 to 22:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
A total of 1,810 intervies were conducted, of which 1,127 were non-users of ML-1, which is the population to survey.