Mobility study in Cepsa’s industrial centres
Year: 2016
Client: Tema Ingeniería
Final client: Cepsa
The objective of this work is to analyze the current mobility and the effect of the proposed proposals for the reorganization of buildings and services on mobility in industrial centers, both refining and petrochemical, to develop plans for modernization and consolidation of these centers.
Job description:
The work carried out by ABACO consists of the collection of mobility and occupation data in the sites of Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) and San Roque (Cádiz).
Occupation of internal and external car parks.
Occupation of internal car parks by type of vehicle.
Vehicle occupation (driver and number of passengers).
Bus occupation on external routes.
Vehicle occupation on internal routes and use of stops.
Types of vehicles accessing the sites.
Travel times on foot and by car between buildings.
Location and use of bus stops inside the sites.
The field work was carried out during the week of 5-9 September at the Palos de la Frontera and San Roque sites.