Survey of determination and characterisation of the demand in working day, in the day lines of the network of EMT of Madrid.
Year: 2013 (*experience previous to 2015 corresponds to fieldwork jobs developed as TEMA GRUPO CONSULTOR fieldwork department)
Mode: Urban buses
Client: Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
This survey is part of the research that Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid has been carrying out to analyze the demand for public transport in Madrid, in order to plan and schedule the provision of services with the highest guarantees of the correct matching of supply to demand.
This is a field research and its subsequent exploitation with the main purpose of characterizing the demand on the bus lines of the daytime network of the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid (EMT) on a working day.
The work aims to know the demand of travelers by stop, time period and type of transport ticket (title) in each bus line of the EMT daytime network, mobility characteristics of demand, travel reason, modal chain and magnitude of relations within the line, the characteristics of the supply actually produced and its deviation from the theoretical one, to obtain information on the demand coming from crossing the explanatory variables, as well as to relate it to the characteristics of the supply, to analyze the evolution demand from the last general investigations carried out in 2007 and enable, with the information obtained, the adjustment of the supply provided by the EMT to reach adequate levels of service, arriving at the definition of bus schedules per time period.
Job description:
The work developed by ABACO consists of:
- A capacity count of up and down by stops, indicating the time at each stop, during 15 hours of service, in the 5,869 services made by the selected buses (almost 17% of the total), in a set of 231 head buses, out of the 1,686 that approximately on a regular business of the daytime network, ie all lines operated by EMT excluding night lines, in the period from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- A survey with a self-administered questionnaire to an average sample of approximately 75% of users of each line: 131,734 users, out of a total of 1,521,670 travelers, with a maximum error of 0.26% in global terms, and an error per line between 8.5% and 2.0%. The sample obtained, for the total calculation of lines, has exceeded by 24% the theoretical sample raised: a total of 163,900 cards have been collected.