Characterization survey on demand in Renfe Commuter Train of Madrid
Year: 2008-2010-2013-2017 (*experience previous to 2015 corresponds to fieldwork jobs developed as TEMA GRUPO CONSULTOR fieldwork department)
Mode: Commuter Train Renfe
Client: Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
This work is part of the studies carried out periodically by the Madrid Transport Consortium to collect data on the operation of the public transport network in Madrid and analyze the demand in order to plan and program the delivery of the Services with the greatest guarantees of a correct adaptation of the supply to the demand.
This research is a survey of users of the Renfe Cercanías network in Madrid, with the aim of spatially characterizing the daily demand of travelers in the nucleus and the distribution of titles used by travelers in a working day. This also allows carrying out the corrective and compensatory actions of the revenues derived from the use of the Transport Pass.
Job description:
The work developed by ABACO consists of conducting F2F interviews to users of Renfe Commuter railway net in Madrid, in order to obtain the origin – destination matrix of network movements, in such way that the average applicable tariff of the Travel Card can be defined as well as characterize the existing demand according to different aspects such as access and dispersion mode, origin and destination of the trip, age and sex of the traveler.
The sample obtained in the study of November 2013 amounts to 170,366 interviews, which implies that, taking into account the capacity taken during the same month, 20.98% of the travel stages are investigated, which implies an increase of 46.1% with respect to the programmed sample. The actual sample, ie eliminating the transfer interviews, is 117,317 interviews, this means that 17.32% of trips were investigated.
The sample obtained in the study of 2017 amounts to 180,578 interviews, which implies that, taking into account the capacity taken during October 2015, 21.3% of the travel stages are investigated, which implies an increase of 12.5% with respect to the programmed sample. The actual sample, ie eliminating the transfer interviews, is 157,184 interviews, this means that 20.8% of trips were investigated.