SURVEYS in... transport means

Mobility survey on a weekend in Pozuelo de Alarcón and Boadilla del Monte
Year: 2011 (*experience previous to 2015 corresponds to fieldwork jobs developed as TEMA GRUPO CONSULTOR fieldwork department)
Mode: Light Railway Train (West)
Client: Metro Ligero Oeste
This is a field research on the ML-2 and ML-3 lines of Metro Ligero Oeste, with the purpose of characterizing mobility during the weekend in the surroundings of the Metro Ligero Oeste (MLO) lines.
Job description:
The work developed by ABACO consists in carrying out mobility surveys during the weekend in the municipalities of Pozuelo de Alarcón and Boadilla del Monte to characterize mobility, based on three different targets:
- Weekend Mobility Telephone Interviews: aim to analyze, in a general way, the mobility, during the weekend, of residents in the municipalities of Pozuelo de Alarcón and Boadilla del Monte in all existing mean of transport. The universe of this survey is formed by individuals over 15 years of age of these municipalities. 302 interviews are carried out.
- Mobility interviews for users of the Ligero Oeste Metro: they aim to analyze in a general way the mobility of the users of Metro Ligero Oeste. The universe to be investigated is made up of the clients of the ML-2 and ML-3 lines of the Light Rail West on a Saturday. 217 surveys are carried out in the ML-2 line and 201 surveys in the ML-3 line.
- Interviews to Visitors of Leisure Centers: aims to obtain information on mobility linked to leisure, mainly happening during the weekend, in the main attraction centers of the area, this is within municipalities of Pozuelo de Alarcón and Boadilla del Monte . The universe to be investigated is made up of visitors to the Kinepolis, Zoco and Zielo leisure centers in Pozuelo and Palacio en Boadilla. 201 interviews are carried out.