Satisfaction Survey to Tranvia de Parla users
Year: 2011-2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021 (*experience previous to 2015 corresponds to fieldwork jobs developed as TEMA GRUPO CONSULTOR fieldwork department)
Mode: Tram
Client: Parla Tram
This is a survey consisting of a survey of satisfaction to users of the Parla tram, in order to know their satisfaction level about the services provided by the Parla tram and the strengths and weaknesses of the system to improve those aspects necessary to offer users a higher quality service.
Job description:
The work carried out by ABACO consists of conducting interviews to get to know the perception of quality service by the clients of the Parla tram. It is done through the application of a closed questionnaires in which different aspects such as accessibility, times, comfort, information, etc. are valued. The same questionnaire has been used during the last years, in order to be able to compare results.
Interviews are mainly conducted on board the tram, although some interviewers are also placed in different stations such as Parla Centro, Isabel II, Bulevar Sur and Reyes Católicos.
The work is done in two working days, one in a morning shift, from 6:30 to 13:30 and another in an afternoon shift, from 13:30. to 20:30.
In the last wave, 1,676 interviews were conducted.