SURVEYS on... mobility

Mobility survey to residents in Almería area

Year: 2016

Mode: Mobility Telephone interview


Final client: Junta de Andalucía


This is a research consisting of a mobility survey with the purpose of characterizing the mobility of residents in the Almería area, both internal and external, on a regular working day, as well as assessing different aspects of sustainable modes and acceptance of measures of sustainable mobility

Job description:

The work developed by ABACO consists of the application of  a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI System) with an average length of 12 minutes, aimed at individuals aged 16 and over, living in one of the municipalities within  Almería Area. A random selection of the respondents is made from a database of previously geo-referenced telephones so that the telephones can be assigned to each of the transport zones by means of a GIS and are used by applying quotas of sex, age and transportation area. A sample of 2.673 interviews are completed.

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