Survey to users of commuting train in stations Chamartín y Fuente de la Mora
Year: 2011 (*experience previous to 2015 corresponds to fieldwork jobs developed as TEMA GRUPO CONSULTOR fieldwork department)
Mode: Light railway train
Client: Metros Ligeros de Madrid
This is a research consisting of conducting a count and interviews at the stations of Chamartín and Fuente de la Mora. The aim is quantifying the demand that transits to the ML-1 line from the Cercanías network, as well as quantifying and characterize the impact in Metro Ligero of the commissioning of the new Renfe Cercanías station “Fuente de la Mora”
Job description:
The work developed by ABACO consists of a counting and interviews campaign at the stations of: Chamartín, in its direction towards Fuente de la Mora; and at the Fuente de la Mora station, in the direction to Chamartín, covering the entire period of service.
- A first wave is conducted in May, in which 613 interviews were are achieved at Fuente de la Mora station and 214 at Chamartín, which implies a sampling rate of 33.5% and 33.8% respectively.
- A second wave is carried out in June, in which 710 interviews are obtained at the Fuente de la Mora station and 199 at Chamartín, which implies a sampling rate of 34.6% and 32.8% respectively