Capacity Count and Quality Survey to users in interurban lines of Majadahonda
Year: 2011 (*experience previous to 2015 corresponds to jobs developed as fieldwork department of TEMA GRUPO CONSULTOR)
Mode: Interurban buses
Client: Madrid Transport Consortium
This is a fieldwork job and exploitation, which aim is to characterize quality service as perceived by users, information requested by passenger, relevance of those aspects (information and service) for passengers, overall satisfaction rate and trip and traveller characteristics.
This survey is part of the first stage of the Project European Bus System of the Future (EBSF) of Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, which aim is to improve information that reaches bus users, focused on create and develop the concept of innovated and high quality a bus system which will show potential of a new generation of urban and interurban bus nets registered within the VII European Union Frame Programme.
Job description:
The job developed by ABACO consists of two stages, conducted during years 2011 y 2012. In the first stage of the survey, quality is analyzed prior to start the Project. In the second stage of the survey, the Project impact on perceived quality service is analyzed
Services are a campaign of counts in surveyed lines with the aim of obtaining detailed information on lines demand and a campaign of quality survey among users of lines. Coverage is interurban lines with service in A-6 corridor connecting Majadahonda township with Madrid, to be more precise, with the Moncloa Transport Interchange.
- Count on “in” and “out” passengers down by stop for each one of the expeditions of the surveyed lines, during the whole period of provision of service. This information determines the intensity of passengers in each interstop, also occupation level is known, as well as other characteristics that allow to characterize the demand of each line. At the same time, differences among periods of morning, noon and afternoon can be identified, as the characteristics of demand vary throughout the day.
- Interviews among passengers of surveyed lines, whose main objective is to gather users opinion in aspects such as the satisfaction, to know the kind of information consulted before and during the trips and aspects to improve on the lines. In addition, questions are included that allow socio-demographic characterization of the user and their trip characteristics.
2.122 interviews were conducted for all lines during fieldwork data collection period.